pp108 : Decision Construct Properties Interface

Decision Construct Properties Interface

This topic describes the fields on the pane.

Table 1. Decision Construct Properties Interface

Tab Field Description
General Description A description of the Decision.
Font Size Decrease or increase the font size of the text within the activity. The default font size is 12.
Use Exclusive Gateway Define the decision case as a XOR (exclusive OR) feature. This means out of all the conditions specified, even if one condition is satisfied, the remaining conditions will be skipped. When the Use Exclusive Gateway option is enabled, even if multiple conditions are true, only one path is considered and the others are ignored. The order of evaluation of conditions happens in the order of conditions that are specified in the Conditions tab. This means that all specified conditions are checked for, and whichever condition is first satisfied, that condition is considered.
Conditions Activity Displays the activity name. You can set the order in which these activities can be considered for a decision.
Name Displays the name of the condition.
Condition Type

Displays the condition type. The available condition types are:

  • Static Value: Specify a static type of condition wherein you can manually type the XPath of the element defined in the Message Map.
  • Read from Message: Specify a condition by reading the condition from the Message Map.
  • Default: Set a default condition to ensure that the action leading from this condition is executed if the other specified conditions are False.
Condition Displays the complete XPath of the selected condition type. You can customize your condition in the XPath Editor by clicking .
Monitoring Configure Monitoring Enable or disable monitoring for the activity.
Monitor Level Monitor level is Activity status by default and this is a non-editable field.
Annotation Annotation Additional notes or comments on the Decision, if any.



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